Sunday, November 4, 2012

I made the cover of Tiara Magazine!

We were interviewed and submitted essays about "why should you be chosen to be the cover model for Tiara Magazine?". We found out we were selected to be on the cover after all the winners were announced at the United America National Pageant.
L-R Second Row Elizabeth Ehrman Ms. United America Lady, Vanessa Sikorski Ms. United America Ambassador, Terri Jaggers Mrs. United America, Jennifer Luna Ms. United America Royal, ME, L-R First Row Lisa Lang Mrs. Petite United America, Lynn Hawthorn Ms. United America Elite.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Birthday Cakes 4 Free

I made these cupcakes for a headstart health fair. These cupcakes made the children feel better after they received their immunizations for preschool.

The Schertz 4th of July Parade

Getting ready to represent Kung Jung Mul Sul karate studio

Schertz sheriff

Schertz Sweetheart Queen and her court

Our karate studio

I was just crowned Ms. United America Royal Queen!

I judged the Miss Gonzales County Pageant

This was my last appearance as Mrs. United America 2011

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Making cupcakes for a women and children's shelter birthday party!

My sister queen and I volunteer for an organization called
"Birthday Cakes 4 Free"
The cakes go to underpriviledged families wanting to celebrate birthdays